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Green Leaves

Projekti / Projects

Circular SME Scan in Hospitality

Sustainable tourism, hospitality development requires informed participation of all relevant stakeholders, as well as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus building. Hospitality sector will be more sustainable through SMEs and their ecosystem’s circular movements. Circular SME Scan in Hospitality (CSS-H) increases and encourages joint action across the value chain by providing tools and materials for increased circularity cooperation across the whole chain. Read more...

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#RecycleYourself FIRST

Young people have innovative ideas related to the environment, but they lack opportunities for concrete initiatives and a platform to have their voices heard. This project gave them the chance to express their opinions through the concept of #Recycleyourselffirst and share them with their peers and the broader community! We believe that the first step in combating climate change and protecting the environment begins only when recycling is viewed in a broader context, as a process of carefully separating everything that is unnecessary or no longer serves its purpose.

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Cirkularno skeniranje malih i srednjih poduzeća u ugostiteljstvu

Održivi turizam i razvoj ugostiteljstva zahtijevaju informirano sudjelovanje svih relevantnih dionika, kao i snažno političko vodstvo kako bi se osigurala široka participacija i postigao konsenzus. Sektor ugostiteljstva bit će održiviji zahvaljujući malim i srednjim poduzećima (MSP) i njihovim kružnim kretanjima unutar ekosustava. Projekt povećava i potiče zajedničko djelovanje kroz cijeli vrijednosni lanac pružajući alate i materijale za veću suradnju u kružnoj ekonomiji unutar cijelog lanca. Pročitajte više...

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Mladi imaju inovativne ideje vezane uz okoliš, ali im nedostaje prilika za konkretne inicijative i mogućnost da se njihov glas čuje. Ovaj projekt pružio im priliku da izraze svoje mišljenje kroz koncept #Recycleyourselffirst i podijele ga s vršnjacima i širom zajednicom! Vjerujemo da prvi korak u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena i zaštite okoliša započinje tek kada recikliranje sagledamo u širem kontekstu, kao proces pažljivog razdvajanja svega što je nepotrebno ili više ne služi svojoj svrsi.

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